Monday, January 26, 2009

To Do Lists

I have really been working on my resolutions for the new year, or I prefer my "to-do" lists. Here is what I had for 2009:
  1. Start a blog (completed)
  2. Get some sort of physical activity 3 times a week (I don't want to say exercise or workout because then I feel like it creates issues with me trying to define what is and isn't a workout so I have chosen activity instead. it is all good for me anyways)-this one is going well so far. a slight break last week but i am back on the proverbial horse and that is really what counts.
  3. Finish some of the many projects I have started-many of you know i am NOTORIOUS for having a really great idea, getting the plan in motion and then not completing it. I was hoping to make 2009 a year to finish some of those projects (my scrapbook from studying abroad in 2000 perhaps) Ironically, I have started this plan by getting an area ready to complete these projects and (drum roll please...) have not completed a one.
  4. Try something new every month-this could be anything. A new food, a new activity, a new restaurant, etc. I am counting my skating lessons as my "something new" for January since it definitely felt new the other week

So these are my 2009 to-do's and so far I am going OK. I just really needed to put them down on paper and kind of "say them out loud" so I hold myself more accountable for them. I still need to post photos from my birthday celebration and also our trip to see the MN rollergirls last weekend (another new activity) but I can't seem to find my cord for my camera...maybe tonight.

Also only a mere 11 days until I head to Florida to go and visit my parents(who are celebrating their 46th wedding anniversary today!) and escape this cold MN winter...hip hip hooray!!


  1. perhaps we could devote a day to completing your scrapbook together. maybe it would help you to have someone else do it with you.

    i like that you are setting goals for yourself! i will help you with them whenever you want!

  2. Hi Ginny! I'm so excited to check out your new blog! I hope you're enjoying it--it's def. addictive! Good luck with your year's to-do's. I'll be reading!
