Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Love Tuesday

My cousin does this thing on her blog called love friday where every Friday she lists the little things, or big things, that she loves on that day. I used to do it on myspace every Tuesday when I was having a rough time and Tuesdays seemed to be the roughest. Tuesdays are still rough days, for some reason. I feel like on Mondays you are getting back into the groove at work and then once Wednesday hits the week is half over but that little Tuesday in there just always gets me. This is a way to think of positive things on that day that isn't always the most positive. Here is my first Love, Tuesday post (a day late):
  • love starting my blog and actually working hard at keeping it up
  • love that I get to share my birthday this Saturday with so many friends and family
  • love the flowers that I got from my parents, they are still gorgeous and have totally brightened my birthday week.
  • love getting packages in the mail, or love getting any non-bill mail
  • love having premade meals in the freezer and making them when I get home, love let's dish
  • love my sister and my dad...they get a special shout out because their birthdays are this week too!!
  • love seeing my nieces and my nephews on Sunday. I LOVE getting to hang out with them.
  • love that i have a heated underground garage to park my car in on these FREEZING winter nights
  • love my iPod and being able to listen to it at work.

Happy Tuesday (well actually Wednesday) everyone!