Friday, January 30, 2009

7 Days

I am sorry but I need to gloat (i think that's the correct term i want to use) because I just looked up the 10-day forecast for Ft Myers Beach, FL on and found this for next week:

Feb 6 Friday
Abundant sunshine. Highs in the low 70s and lows in the upper 40s.
Feb 7 Saturday
Abundant sunshine. Highs in the low 70s and lows in the low 50s.
Feb 8 Sunday
Plenty of sun. Highs in the mid 70s and lows in the low 50s.

HIP HIP HOORAY!!! This impending vacation in just one week has been the only thing getting me through this seemingly VERY LONG work week. I really wouldn't even care if it was thunderstorming while I was down there visiting my parents, as long as I could be sitting somewhere watching movies and reading, with some games and puzzles mixed in with my mom and dad. But sunshine and weather above the teens??? I just might be in heaven. Let's hope the report stays this way as the days grow closer!

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Love Thursday, oops I mean Tuesday

Ok, yes I am 2 days late on this one but Tuesday I did not feel very "loving" until the end of the day and I was out later than usual on a week night(went to a Wild game) and didn't want to turn on the computer when I got home. Then yesterday after work, was a visit to my friend Hammer who shattered her radius ball (elbow) playing volleyball last week. She had surgery and has been recovering so a bunch of us from volleyball went to lift her spirits a little bit last night. Enough of the boring "where i've been and what i've been doing" stuff, on to what we came here for, love tuesday.
  • love getting free last minute tickets to the Wild game on tuesday night. the seats were AWESOME and the wild won which was a big love. Also love sitting with Natalie picking out which will be my new favorite players based either upon their names (Boogaard, the little kid behind kept calling him boogar) or their photos on the big screen (the less sweaty the better, i am already sweaty enough for the both of us).
  • love smoothies in the morning. Whether i make one or I have time to stop by Jamba Juice I feel like I'm having dessert for breakfast, AWESOME!
  • love my parents, monday was their 46th wedding anniversary and they amaze me every day. love that they spend their winters in Florida because it makes them so happy (and I also get to go and visit, only 8 day people!)
  • love community ed classes. the new session starts this week and today I have yoga and saturday tap starts up again. Its so great to pay so little to either try something new or continue something that you started.
  • love that it isn't below zero right now. i think you would only find this love from people who live in MN, but its true. So nice to not see that little - in the morning next to a number.
  • love coworkers who keep you sane when work weeks get really really long.
  • love clothes in bright colors for dark winter mornings. something about wearing a bright blue shirt when its cloudy and gloomy makes the day a little better.
  • love reading for fun. nothing new but lately nothing has made me happier than curling up on the couch with some white hot cocoa in my obama mug (thanks Kath) and reading a good book.

hope everyone find a little something to love today!

Monday, January 26, 2009

To Do Lists

I have really been working on my resolutions for the new year, or I prefer my "to-do" lists. Here is what I had for 2009:
  1. Start a blog (completed)
  2. Get some sort of physical activity 3 times a week (I don't want to say exercise or workout because then I feel like it creates issues with me trying to define what is and isn't a workout so I have chosen activity instead. it is all good for me anyways)-this one is going well so far. a slight break last week but i am back on the proverbial horse and that is really what counts.
  3. Finish some of the many projects I have started-many of you know i am NOTORIOUS for having a really great idea, getting the plan in motion and then not completing it. I was hoping to make 2009 a year to finish some of those projects (my scrapbook from studying abroad in 2000 perhaps) Ironically, I have started this plan by getting an area ready to complete these projects and (drum roll please...) have not completed a one.
  4. Try something new every month-this could be anything. A new food, a new activity, a new restaurant, etc. I am counting my skating lessons as my "something new" for January since it definitely felt new the other week

So these are my 2009 to-do's and so far I am going OK. I just really needed to put them down on paper and kind of "say them out loud" so I hold myself more accountable for them. I still need to post photos from my birthday celebration and also our trip to see the MN rollergirls last weekend (another new activity) but I can't seem to find my cord for my camera...maybe tonight.

Also only a mere 11 days until I head to Florida to go and visit my parents(who are celebrating their 46th wedding anniversary today!) and escape this cold MN winter...hip hip hooray!!

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

love, tuesday (obama edition)

Really a love tuesday is not even needed for today. I just woke up in a better mood knowing today is inauguration day. I really think that the only people who are in a bad mood today are 1)kids who have to go back to school after a long weekend and 2) mean nasty Republicans (i put mean and nasty, not to be confused with the other republicans who also like Obama). I could go on for hours about my love for Obama. But instead I will just move on to my bullet points and leave it at that...
  • love that today is the last day our country will be run by Bush and hopefully he will fade away and never have to see him again
  • love Obama, i mean i think we all knew this but i just had to throw it in there
  • love that i share a birthday with Michelle Obama, and love her as well. how could you not? such a strong woman who is smart and independent but also a loving wife and mom. now one question, where do i find my Barack?
  • love Sasha and knew this was coming. they are so dang cute! I just want to smash them with hugs and love, but i know they already get a lot of that from their amazing parents. When I look at them I just feel hopeful. which leads me too....
  • love hope....those of you who know me know that if I had one word to live by it would be hope. love that obama took this word and ran with it, you know how in jerry maguire renee zellweger says "you had me at hello", i would say to Barack "you had me at hope"
  • love that multiple websites will be streaming the inauguration so those of us who have to work today can still listen/watch at work.
  • also love DVR...CNN will be recording all day at my apt :)
  • love the first dog the Obamas will be getting at the White house, only i heard it might be a labradoodle...i am not interested in doodles but my friend KK might be happy because i think this means it will have eyebrows and a beard
  • unrelatedly, love all my friends and family who celebrate my birthday with me. I felt so special and so lucky on Saturday. it was so great to see everyone in one place (even though it was a bit overwhelming to spend enough time with everyone).
  • love Obama's plan for service and him bringing change and service back into importance. it is so needed and i hope it catches on just as much as his campaign did.

I hope everyone has a great Tuesday and is filled with as much optimism and hope as I am!!

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Love Tuesday

My cousin does this thing on her blog called love friday where every Friday she lists the little things, or big things, that she loves on that day. I used to do it on myspace every Tuesday when I was having a rough time and Tuesdays seemed to be the roughest. Tuesdays are still rough days, for some reason. I feel like on Mondays you are getting back into the groove at work and then once Wednesday hits the week is half over but that little Tuesday in there just always gets me. This is a way to think of positive things on that day that isn't always the most positive. Here is my first Love, Tuesday post (a day late):
  • love starting my blog and actually working hard at keeping it up
  • love that I get to share my birthday this Saturday with so many friends and family
  • love the flowers that I got from my parents, they are still gorgeous and have totally brightened my birthday week.
  • love getting packages in the mail, or love getting any non-bill mail
  • love having premade meals in the freezer and making them when I get home, love let's dish
  • love my sister and my dad...they get a special shout out because their birthdays are this week too!!
  • love seeing my nieces and my nephews on Sunday. I LOVE getting to hang out with them.
  • love that i have a heated underground garage to park my car in on these FREEZING winter nights
  • love my iPod and being able to listen to it at work.

Happy Tuesday (well actually Wednesday) everyone!

Monday, January 12, 2009


These are my new skates...I got them for Christmas this year. Now many people may be wondering, "why did a 30 yr old get skates for Christmas?? Don't 5 year olds get stuff like that?" Well yes but it was all I really wanted. I began skating when I was 3 years old and continued taking lessons and skating on a team until I was 14. I loved skating, I felt so at home on the ice and in the arena. I loved the sounds, the smells, the feeling of the ice, everything. I wanted to get back to that place and I found out the the very same arena where I started skating 27 years ago has adult lessons. So I signed up and asked for new skates for Christmas. And here I sit, after my first time back out on the ice in probably 5 years, and I am very very sore. I know I am out of shape but goodness!! Even with all the aches and pains, and I am sure there will be many more tomorrow, it was awesome. A little rough at first trying to remember how to stop and different moves but that is why I am taking lessons, right?? I can't wait for next week!

You know its a great Monday when...

  • you get 30 beautiful pink roses from your parents to celebrate your birthday week (photo to will be posted later). I think I am going to tell people at work they are from my secret admirer:)
  • you get let out of work early at 3pm for a "snow day" of sorts.
  • you have your first skating lesson and don't fall on your ass.
  • you get a birthday present in the mail all wrapped up saying, "do not open until your birthday"

Friday, January 9, 2009

New Year, New Decade, New Beginning

So I have been meaning to start a blog for a while now but have never actually done it. I made it a new year's resolution to actually start one and keep it up. Here I am!! People have been asking me what I will talk about in my blog but I think that will develop. I just wanted to share with people about myself and my experiences. Who knows where this will go but it is similar to the next stage of my life I am entering. I am turning 30 in a matter of days and really could not be more ecstatic. I am happy to bit a farewell to my 20's. They were wonderful and horrible, sometimes in the same day. I learned a lot about myself and what I want out of life. I can't wait to start my 30's and this new beginning.

I am new to this whole "blogging" thing so cut me some slack and know there will be more photos and other fun stuff to come. I hope you enjoy.