I know, I know I'm late but this week has flown by, which has been a love. And the next thing I knew it was Thursday! However I have been brainstorming some good LOVES for this week's post so enjoy. I really need to get back on the blogging more than once a week thing but I am just settling back into a routine again after vacation and then staying with my niece and nephew last week so my sister and bro-in-law could get a much needed vacation.
- love hanging out with my niece Hilary and nephew Eric last week. We had so much fun and laughed a lot. I loved getting to spoil them like my siblings did when my parents went away.
- love that my sister and her hubby (think that's the funniest word ever) got a MUCH deserved and needed vacation and time to relax. love that they came back refreshed!
- love that this week has flown by and has been really nice weather wise, until today but we won't focus on that one:)
- love dogs on treadmills. this is totally random but popped into my head while emailing with Marlys the other day. found this website selling doggie treadmills and laughed for a while watching the clips of dogs on treadmills
- love planning trips. heading to chicago for st patty's day and NYC in June both with awesome friends...just thinking about it gets me excited and happy.
- love brainstorming for the travel book/website my friend Erin and I want to start. long ago we tried to figure out a way to get paid to travel, we haven't figured it all out yet but I think we might be on to something with travel insights for people in their 30's. you don't want to stay in hostels anymore but do you really want to stay at a luxury resort? think about it people...
- love when people use stereotypes...ok just kidding that was a sarcastic love. I am quite irritated with people generalizing that people who use welfare services and single mothers with 8 kids from different daddies. As someone having worked with people using welfare services, this is not what the average "face" of welfare looks like. If you knew about welfare you would know that there are time limits and really you don't get that much assistance so people wouldn't continue to have more kids by choice. This is the exception, not the rule. I know there has been more in the media about welfare since the "octomom" but I think people should get a little more educated before they start speaking. OK I am stepping off my soapbox now...
- love the oscars, ok not really...but i do love dvring them and fastforwarding through all the parts that suck. love seeing what people are wearing and hearing who people thank or what they do with their 45 seconds of time, loved the gay mormon who wrote Milk and his speech, brought a tear to my eye.
- love podcasts! I have been sucked into the world of free podcasts on iTunes...they are so great for work though!! lovethem!!
have a great rest of the week!
What are you favorite podcasts? I need some new ones...