So here are the long overdue photos from my 30th Birthday party on January 17th. I didn't take that many since I was busy socializing with everyone. I was so lucky to have so many people come and celebrate with me. I rented out the backroom at the Bulldog bar in Northeast Minneapolis. The food and drinks were great. I would HIGHLY recommend it for parties. Their cupcakes are YUMMY, too:)
Natalie, Kristin, and Me

Some of my friends from grad school who travelled from Chicago, Green Bay, and Milwaukee to celebrate with me!! Beth, Coral, Julia, me, Marlys, and Bobbi

Me and Joy
Even my parents had a great time

Erin and me

Some of my "guests of honor":) erin, julia, me, tim, and natalie.

Awww!!! I miss you!! Looks like such a fun night--I wish I had been there!