Friday, May 1, 2009

Alcohol Free April

There is this show on the FX channel called "30 Days" where Morgan Spurlock, yes the guy from Supersize Me, either goes and does something for 30 days outside of his comfort zone or sends other people to do something outside of their comfort zone. Well, as a minor take off on this show, which I highly recommend, I decided to undertake my own 30 day experiment. Like many of us, there are definitely areas of my life where I need some work, and these little 30 day, or monthly experiments are a stepping stone for improvements in my life. My first attempt was Alcohol Free April. I attempted to not drink alcohol for the whole month of April. I was wondering how it would effect my health and my wallet, and also if I could do it. I am quite a lover of a good happy hour and really on a gorgeous spring afternoon there is nothing I enjoy more than sitting out on a patio somewhere with friends having a few beers. I gave myself a bit of a handicap and picked a rainy month to attempt this feat and it definitely helped. So my report card on Alcohol Free April is:
I gave myself an A-, not a perfect A because I did have a mimosa at a celebration(Anna's dedication) and a beer at a co worker's birthday happy hour. However I would like to point out, I had been at the happy hour for 3 hours before I actually partook in a beer so I was quite proud. And that was all the alcohol I drank in the month of April.

As for the difference it made in my health and wallet those were not as much as I had hoped. My health, I did not lose any major weight from cutting out drinking from what I can tell (I don't weight myself) but did feel a bit more energized on the weekends to get projects done. I was not quite as tired as I am after a crazy night of drinking but that was too be expected. My wallet, I think this did help my wallet a little bit. I didn't notice myself going through cash like I do sometimes when I decide I need another beer and so does everyone else I am with:)

All in all it was a good experiment and lesson in not giving up even if you have a little slip up and to be proud of your accomplishments. I have discussed with some people other possibilities for my monthly experiment and May is going to be "Make more meals May". I am going to only bring my lunch to work, and not go out for lunch. I am usually pretty good at this but need it to be enforced and get in the habit of always packing my lunch on those rushed mornings. Wish me luck on this one! I'll let you know how it goes in a month.

1 comment:

  1. So sorry we hindered your pursuit of an "A"! I suppose you would have drank even more if we had not "shared" yours! Ha!
