Wednesday, April 22, 2009

love tuesday

Hello fans and friends:)
I am BACK! After a long hiatus I have returned to the world of blogging, however this post will have no photos. I was hoping my first post back would have been of my crazy time in Chicago for St Patty's day but I kept putting it off and putting it off, and then received some threats from people to UPDATE YOUR BLOG ALREADY! so here I am at least updating, if not a full recap of the past almost month's activities. So I am getting back on the love, tuesday bandwagon and thought this would be a good way to get back into the swing of things.

  • love that people cared enough to say, "hey you need to update your blog, I check it and nothing is new, and i get sad" ok maybe they don't say they get sad but still...

  • love my parents' new condo...they have not moved in yet...soon though, within the next 2 weeks, but i love it and that they are SOOOO happy to be moving there.

  • love my dentist. some of you may be saying, huh this is a weird love because you just got a crown yesterday Ginny, and yes indeed I did and it sucked. However, I love my dentist. He is so great and works so hard to make the "dental experience" a positive one.

  • love knitting with my cousin , my other cousin Missy, and my aunt MC outside in the glorious sunshine on saturday morning. I got back on track with my knitting and even got a little sunburn, which i had no idea about until someone commented that I had a pattern from my sunglasses on the side of my face...awesome....

  • love the spring weather and taking my bike out for a long bike ride along the greenway. My apt location is PERFECT for access to a ton of different biking paths.

  • love a productive weekend filled with cleaning and organizing my apt. love my mom, I think this goes without saying but I was reminded of how amazing she is when she came over to help me reorganize my apt. yes i am 30, and yes my mom came to help me, and yes it was AWESOME.

  • love my dad. Again this goes without saying, but last week my dad took a tumble off a ledge in our backyard while holding my niece Greta. They were trying to fill a bird feeder and he slipped, losing his balance and then falling to the cement below. My dad proceeded to be the amazing grampa that he is and broke little Greta's fall with his face. 7 stiches, lots of bruising, and a broken nose later, they are all doing fine. Just gave some of us a little scare, do not love those phone calls that begin "hey gin, dad's fine but..." there have been too many of those in my lifetime. But I love my siblings for keeping me in the loop even when I'm at work.

  • love doing different things with friends like going to the omni theater and the macy's flower show. Both were amazing and so fun to do something different. Trying to stick with my new year's resolution of trying something new each month.

  • love my "niece" Anna. (Anna is my cousin Emily and Rich's daughter) I went down to St Louis to celebrate Anna's dedication a couple of weeks ago, more photos later. But Anna sent me this hilarious photo of herself trying to drive her dog to the completely brightens my day!

Alright everyone that's it for now. More to come later and I won't wait a month to update this time:)