Wednesday, May 13, 2009

love, tuesday

OK so just a mere day late but hey, i'm working on it:)
  • love my cell phone. I know most of you already know this because this photo below is how you can often find me, texting away on my phone. I love it though.
  • love craft club!! So a while ago my friends Kristen, Tina, and I decided that we wanted to start a craft club. The idea behind it being, we get together to work on different projects like knitting, sewing, or any sort of crafty thing you want to do. We just started it up again last night and its so great. So fun to get together with people and eat some snackies, work on projects, and chat.
  • love my mom! It was just Mother's day so I have to give a special LOVE to my mom. She is my favorite person in the world. Love her so much and do not know what I would do with out her. I was glad to have a day to celebrate her and do nice things for her even though I try to do that everyday. Here's an old school photo of my family, sorry its so small...I'm the baby
  • love a clean bathroom! I had to clean my bathroom last night because of having craft club at my house and now its so clean and sparkly! I love it.
  • love my little desk fan. It has been very humid lately which makes my little cubicle very stuffy. My new little desk fan keeps me cool and not falling asleep at my desk!!
  • love season finales of tv shows. Its kind of a love hate thing, I love them because they are so climactic and exciting, biggest loser was last night, america's next top model tonight, grey's tomorrow, etc. However sometimes they leave you hanging. That is not the best, because then I have to wait until fall to find out what happens. Oh well it is also a sign that summer time is here:)

Have a lovely day everyone!


  1. glad you had fun at craft club! sorry i missed it! next time. love craft club!

  2. you always crack me up Ginny! love your mom too, she is definitely one of my favorite people! hey, wanted to let you know I finally finished the pinwheel sweater in just the knick of time, it just barely fits around her chest.

  3. So happy we started the CC again. It was lovely to chat with old and new friends!
